Saturday, January 19, 2008

Taste Testing

So I went taste testing yesterday. It is an interesting experience with the chef looking at you as try an assortment of appetizers and the main course. I tried this raspberry / bri pastry and after letting the taste of it sink in for a second the chef chimed in with a "put you on the spot" question if you like it or not. luckily I did but would have surely lied if I didn't. Next he "claims" that all the pastries were hand made, but I got the feeling that I could have found better appetizers walking the aisles at Costco. Anyways, after we left we kind of agreed that we weren't completely impressed by the food we tried.

My idea from the beginning was to get In-N-Out to cater our wedding. Before you come to any conclusions like I am a cheap bastard, hear me out. I would get the catering trunk to come out and make the food. I would then serve the In-N-Out burgers and fries and very nice plates with a ketchup design on the plates. The burgers would maybe be cut into four pieces and served with fries in the middle. I'm not sure how appetizers would work, but maybe something like a pop corn machine would work. Here's the whole point. I want my wedding to memorable not for how chic the food was or how uptight everything was. I want it to be relaxed with a touch of class. Me and Jenn are two regular people that enjoy down to earth things and I don't think I would want my wedding to be anything but that. I am also looking to incorporate these ideas into other facets of the wedding as well. I won't reveal them but they no doubt will be quite visible at the wedding. What do you think of these ideas?

Friday, January 18, 2008

First (unofficial) Post

Welcome to my blog. This post is actually my second one. The first one ran into some FCC regulations and was swiftly deleted because the material was way to boring and very offensive to grammar teachers. (I just spelled grammar wrong and winced) Anyways I felt like my first blog was too showboat (the mustard was definitely off the hot dog) and not enough about the things that really matter in life like sports and the wifee. So I am going to go in a new direction and stay true.

You know one day most of my friends will be married and or engaged. I feel like it is my duty to inform them of coming attractions. Now, I don't know if it happens at the exact moment the rings finds it designated finger or if it takes a couple days, but none the less things change very quickly. Don't get me wrong most of the changes are good and you'll be asking yourself why you didn't ask her to marry you earlier, but some things need a lot of getting used to. I bring these points up not to mock my beautiful fiance or bring to light what a horrible planner I am, but as a public service to the dopes that think weddings put themselves together. Thus, I present the first change.

Exhibit A

Let the planning begin
Almost before you can even realize that you just asked that special someone to marry you the clock has begun. First comes the engagement party. Then comes the second engagement party. Then comes the meetings with every vendor. At this point you find yourself in some interesting situations. Next comes the guest list and who to leave on and who to leave off. Next you get question as to what the bridesmaid should wear like all of a sudden I care. This may be tough for most but I, thank God, could care less if certain people are invited just because I could care less to go to their wedding either. Oh, and don't forget you have to pick out the wedding party where equal number for symmetrical pictures become more important than the people you ask. Jenn is sooo not guilty of this.

This is where I am at currently. I still have months to go before the big day. And as I sit here I realize that if you are with the person God meant you to be with, the person that just makes you feel ok about anything when you hear their voice, all this planning and frustration that can accompany the process is worth it if they are happy when it's all said and done. All I can say is that I got lucky and I need to tie the knot before she realizes that I am a big nerd. So how do I get through all the planing and preparations for the big day? I keep reminding myself that she wants the wedding day to be amazing because it would only be fitting when you are marring a guy like Tim. Wow did I just wright that... there goes the mustard.